I remember him well, leaning over the table with head bowed and a vacant look. Carlitos was barely 20 and his every gesture carried the reluctance...
Après des débuts fulgurants avec NG La Banda au début des années 90, Issac Delgado a su se construire une identité musicale forte à coup de...
Have you ever tried to explain Google to someone who doesn't know what it is? This happened to me a few days ago with a neighbor...
Eugenia lost her job of 30 years in an office of the Ministry of Transport. She was left "available," according to the declaration of her bosses,...
Livio went on a trip and left his friends in charge of the most precious thing in his life. It wasn't a child, or a pet...
Havana | 20 June 2014 -- Damaris is almost 40 and has several scars on her face. They were made by a 5th grade classmate with...
Dimanche soir à Toulouse s'est conclu le 19ème chapitre du festival Rio Loco. Plus tôt dans la journée, les intermittents du spectacle avaient quitté le site...
Havana, 15 June 2014 -- Ricardo has raised his two daughters alone. One August morning he woke up and his wife had left. Later he learned...