Photo: I was able to access El Pais newspaper from a Nauta cybercafé In 1993 Fidel Castro found himself on the ropes with the economic crisis...
My suitcase is parked in a corner, the tiny gifts that traveled inside it already in the hands of friends and relatives. The anecdotes -- for...
Caracas a réagi de manière très virulente à l’accueil réservé par Bogota au chef de l’opposition vénézuélienne, Henrique Capriles Radonski. Ce dernier, qui conteste le résultat...
Someone sitting at the table behind spoke in French, while in chairs at the side two Brazilians exchanged ideas. Two steps further on some activists from...
Juan Manuel Gomez Robledo, 54 ans, est sous-secrétaire aux affaires multilatérales et aux droits de l’homme au ministère mexicain des relations extérieures.
Placing zeros to the right seems to be the preferred sport of those who put a price on the homes they sell in Cuba today. A...
Rajouter des zéros à droite paraît être le sport préféré de ceux qui donnent un prix aux maisons qui se vendent aujourd’hui à Cuba. Marché captif...
For World Telecommunication and Information Society Day They look the same as everyone else: small, restless, ready to play and joke, like any child. But something...