This Monday several Cuban dissidents started a hunger strike which has already been joined by 25 people throughout the country. At a press conference, Martha Beatriz...
In a country where power cuts have been an inseparable part of our lives, we should not be surprised when the lights go out.
CENSUS: Population and Housing Two smiling young people explain in a TV commercial the advantages of the 2012 Population and Housing Census.
Avec sa programmation remarquable, le Salsa Y Latin Jazz Festival de Barcelone affichait l'ambition de figurer aux cotés des grands festivals de musique latine, à savoir...
Je ne vais pas me lancer dans une analyse des implications thiques et journalistiques du travail de Julian Assange. Je vous confie que j'ai de la...
The question of the title was inspired by Fidel Castro himself when, on March 28 of this year, he asked Benedict XVI, "What does a Pope...
CUBA - Il fait peine trente-deux pages, a une couverture bleue et l'cusson de la Rpublique grav dessus.
To read a translation of this post click here. When a friend leaves...