Photo from What does the insect caught in the web feel as it watches its predator approach? What are its thoughts in the seconds between...
Les cris, les banderoles, les slogans récités par des milliers de voix, réveillent en lui des sensations endormies, éteintes. Il regarde la marée humaine qui passe...
Raul Castro during a public event The shouts, the posters, the slogans in a million voice chorus, awaken dormant, extinct sensations. Seeing the sea of people...
In these times, when the great media of the press barely seem to survive the crisis, many are wondering, how can we make a good newspaper?...
Let's go to Alamar! My mother would say and we would head out to visit some relatives who lived in that so-called "Siberia." We arrived in...
Poster for the sixth anniversary of the magazine, Coexistence A woman hits a child, who appears to be her son, on one corner. The passersbys who...
A gentleman with a beard and a shabby shirt reads the newspaper in a Reina Street doorway. "These people are re-inventing the wheel..." I can hear...
The dialogue between the Venezuelan opposition and Nicolas Maduro is in full swing. Its critics are many, its most visible loser: the Cuban government. For a...