Rajouter des zéros à droite paraît être le sport préféré de ceux qui donnent un prix aux maisons qui se vendent aujourd’hui à Cuba. Marché captif...
For World Telecommunication and Information Society Day They look the same as everyone else: small, restless, ready to play and joke, like any child. But something...
Please see Hans Rosling's TED Talk: The Magic Washing Machine From a distance you feel the strokes... bam, bam, bam. The arm raises the thick fat...
On entend de loin les coups boum, boum… boum. Le bras se lève en tenant un gros bâton lisse, avant de retomber avec force sur le...
Knowing how to read between the lines is a prerequisite to understanding Cuban politics. The structure of power on the Island is short on details, such...
http://www.youtube.com/watch?list=UUHm8ZBYYfcdn74Ni3uQj6KA&feature=player_embedded&v=bYbgwMwJa-0 Il y a quelques années, j’ai eu envie d’adresser certaines questions à Eliécer Ávila. Depuis que je l’ai entendu parler pour la première fois et...
My grandfather chewed tobacco, biting down on it and moistening it with his saliva in an obsessive ritual that continued throughout the day. He also had...