Ecuador Condemned Aggression Plans Against Syria
29 de agosto de 2013, 18:30Paramaribo, Aug 29 (Prensa Ltina) The Foreign Minister of Ecuador, Ricardo Patiño favored today a diplomatic solution to the conflict in Syria and condemned any aggression against the Arab country.
Speaking to reporters on the sidelines of the meeting of foreign ministers of the Union of South American Nations (UNASUR), taking place here, Patillo recalled there is a UN commission in Syria to investigate the alleged use of chemical weapons.
We strongly condemn the use of this technology, not only because it is prohibited by the UN, but for humanitarian reasons, but we also reject that a government use this pretext to attack another state, he said.
No country has the right to proclaim itself the police the world, he said.
Patiño stated Ecuador will support sending a UNASUR delegation to Syria if the initiative is presented tomorrow at the summit of the organization.
We insist on seeking a negotiated and peaceful solution to the Syrian conflict, the output should be diplomatic, not military, reiterated.
29 de agosto de 2013, 18:30Paramaribo, Aug 29 (Prensa Ltina) The Foreign Minister of Ecuador, Ricardo Patiño favored today a diplomatic solution to the conflict in Syria and condemned any aggression against the Arab country.
Speaking to reporters on the sidelines of the meeting of foreign ministers of the Union of South American Nations (UNASUR), taking place here, Patillo recalled there is a UN commission in Syria to investigate the alleged use of chemical weapons.
We strongly condemn the use of this technology, not only because it is prohibited by the UN, but for humanitarian reasons, but we also reject that a government use this pretext to attack another state, he said.
No country has the right to proclaim itself the police the world, he said.
Patiño stated Ecuador will support sending a UNASUR delegation to Syria if the initiative is presented tomorrow at the summit of the organization.
We insist on seeking a negotiated and peaceful solution to the Syrian conflict, the output should be diplomatic, not military, reiterated.
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Ecuador Condemned Aggression Plans Against Syria
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